Monday 4 December 2017

5 Reasons Why Solar Outdoor Lighting Has Become Popular Over The Last Decade

A number of reasons have contributed to the rise of popularity of the solar lights over the past decade. The inimitable advantages of solar lights include enhanced grid security, the provision of lights at locations where the grid power is not available, and the possibility to invest in green and sustainable energy. In fact, solar outdoor lights have become the recent norm for new construction projects. They are also cost-effective options than replacing the old electrical infrastructure on the systems that are collapsing. Here are the top 5 reasons why solar lights are gaining immense popularity over the past decade. 

Grid Security

The increasing demand for the grid power leads to power failures and escalation of power costs. There is also the possibility of the attacks by natural disasters. All these factors pose a threat to the grid security. These lights are built in order to withstand the hurricane winds and ensure that the neighbourhood is blessed with lights even under power failure following a storm. 

The Government Mandates

Many local, state and federal mandates today require renewable energy to be deployed on all new constructions. Solar lighting is the surest way to meet the green mandates and also provide lesser stress that newer addition will cause the present grid systems. 

No Grid Power Available

In some situations, the gird power is almost not available or very difficult to acquire. Such situation demands to install solar outdoor lights. It is very difficult to trench grid extensions in some areas like rural and remote locations. Off-grid solar lighting can help extend power to any location that is well exposed to sunlight. When you ensure the right battery size, these systems can work under all regular conditions for a long time with very less maintenance. 

Green Energy

Increasing businesses are looking for ways to minimize the carbon print on the earth’s atmosphere. When solar energy is utilized for the signs, parking spaces and roadways, they can showcase their commitment to support the green environment initiatives. 


The costs of off-grid solar lighting systems can be high initially. However, over a period of time, they can help save a lot of money in the short term as well as long-term. Often trenching in the grid power proves expensive. Therefore erecting a pole with a solar lighting on it is the sure way to bring down the installation costs and save money over the long run. Moreover, you do not have to incur power bills over the long term.


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